Go on - get involved!

Rhino postcards

You can help SAVE THE RHINO - and get something in return. These postcards are all drawn by children who want the world to know about the plight of the rhinos of Africa. In return for a donation of R100 (about US$22 - see the currency converter), you will receive three complete sets of these postcards. You can send them to friends, stick them on your fridge or in your photo album, or use to tell others about the problem the rhinos are facing.

The funds raised through the sale of these postcards during the climb will be used to buy a computer for the SAVE THE RHINO INTERNATIONAL office in Cape Town, South Africa. They organised the walk and are in desperate need of a computer to carry on their excellent work. If you are able to offer them a good quality PC, preferably to be available at their office in Cape Town, please send us your offer by e-mail.

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